CAPE GRIM NATURAL WATER @ Hahndorf Hill Winery
Hahndorf Hill Winery, Hahndorf
Cape Grim bottled water is the only bottled rain water in the world that is pure enough to be approved by the health departments of the US, the EU, Australia and Japan. It is so clean that it cannot be used to produce beer as its purity inhibits the fermentation process. Cape Grim is situated in the remote NW region of Tasmania which is recognized by governments and scientists that's having the cleanest/purest air on earth. The water originates in the pristine air of Cape Grim which travels 16,000 km across the great southern ocean from Antarctica without crossing land or contaminants of any sort. When it approaches Cape Grim, the heat of the land turns the air into rain. Rain water is harvested only on days of the absolute highest air quality. In this case, it is used as a palate Cleanser for ChocoVino.
Eaten: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 15:18