Mixed Pierogi @ Pawel’s Polish Kitchen
Pawel’s Polish Kitchen, N16 8JN
Where to begin with this AMAZING homemade pierogi... Pawel’s Polish Kitchen is a once-a-week-on-Saturdays residency at the “Tuck Inn” in Dalston. These pierogi are lovingly made by hand by Pawel’s mother on a Friday night, and then perfectly fried on Saturday to order. There are two types here - a traditional one with potato, onion, and bacon lardons for the meat eaters, and a vegan version made with potatoes, onions, and lentils. Of course, if you ask for it vegan, they won’t put bacon on top (I asked for it on mine! Oink oink). 🤪 Now to the taste - I grew up eating pierogi. I’ve had them in numerous cities - traditional, topped, fancy, you name it. I’ve never met a better tasting and better fried pierogi than the ones Pawel’s mother made. These are the absolute gold standard for me. 💯💯💯💯💯
Eaten: Sat, 14 Jul 2018 09:57