Brotzeitbrettl @ Gaststätte Brückenwirt
Gaststätte Brückenwirt, Pullach im Isartal
This should actually be called 'Brotzeitbrettl Take 1" as just after this shot was taken, Mr. C swept it abruptly to the ground in a masterful move of klutziness. ;*) But he quickly recovered, holding his finger high in the air and yelling, "one more, please!" at the waitress who watched the whole thing go down. Classic! But the second one looked just as delicious, with a nice assortment of meaty goodies from ham to blood sausage "head cheese" to o'batzda and pickles. Perfect cycling food and a great opener to the beer garden season here in Bavaria!
Eaten: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 19:19