Sarawak Laksa @ Simooon’s Slurp Shop
Simooon’s Slurp Shop, Private
This dish was made on the basis of trying out a different brand of Sarawak Laksa Paste; one which is made with fresh ingredients and recommended by a friend from Kuching. And this paste is good! It certainly didn’t disappoint. The laksa soup combination of the paste, chicken stock, coconut milk and seasoning resulted in a marvellous fusion, that was rustic, rich and natural in flavour! This dish is divine - must learn to make the paste from scratch! It’s worth the sweat! IMO, this is easily the best of all the Laksa varieties. If you have never tried it... do! #noodles #laksa >> A day on and another bowl... have to elevate this to ‘Amazing’! Devoured it feverishly!
Eaten: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 05:41