柚子醤油らーめんYuzu Shoyu Ramen @ AFURI
AFURI, Shibuya City
The experience begins with picking a ramen dish among the 5 variations on offer in the vending machine. I picked a chicken & dashi based shoyu broth, laced with yuzu, a slice of grilled pork (chicken in my case because somehow the guy knew to ask if I wanted chicken instead), half portion seasoned boiled egg (nitamago), bamboo shoots (menma), mixture leaves (mizuna) and a piece of seaweed (nori). After all, a “soy sauce based soup with refreshing Yuzu citrus accent” sounded especially appealing after a 12-hour fast. The next step involves presenting your ticket to the server who then asks how much chi yu (chicken oil) you prefer in your broth; there are 2 options: “Tanrei” which is the AFURI classic and it blends just enough chi yu into the broth to create a delicately balanced soup, and “Maroaji” which sounds like the “Tanrei” kicked up an extra notch and results in a more robust broth with a “thicker mouthfeel.” The guy heartily recommended the latter, so I went with that. VERDICT... This ramen totally made my day! And it paired perfectly with the housemade yuzu highball. Best damn brunch I’d had in recent memory. #soogood #afuri #阿夫利 #柚子#yuzu #shoyu #maroaji #extrachiyu #mouthfeel #yuzushoyuramen #ebisu #tokyo #ramen #sootyeats🥢 #sootyinJP🇯🇵
Eaten: Thu, 03 May 2018 02:06