The best Sunday Roast by lucuss_23 on Eaten
Sunday Roast
2 reviews
County Arms Birr, Birr
Unfortunately forgot to take a photo of the rest of the meal which included garlic potatoes and veg so sorry about that. However my impression by the end was that if you were hungry you won’t be after this meal. Essentially, incredibly tender Irish beef (best of the best) paired with a Yorkshire pudding which as a Brit I appreciate and mash which was under the beef and completely creamy and buttery. Overall couldn’t finish much of if considering how much there was and how much I had already ate. #Foodreview #BeefRoast
Oldwalls Gower, Oldwalls
Definitely an experience when it comes to roast dinners, definitely not the best as a meal but in terms of the beef, it would definitely be up there. The beef itself was clearly the star of the plate with it having flavour and a great tender texture with it. Aside from the beef the rest of the plate was a little lack lustre with both the veg and potatoes being average at best and the Yorkshire pudding being very underwhelming with it having a very burnt taste. Overall not a terrible roast dinner just for the location I would expect a little more. #Foodreview #Roastdinner